PayPal is accepted as a form of payment for all items offered by this store.


Invertic Services


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By purchasing our products, you agree to the following terms of service:

• The seller will never request the buyer to initiate a dispute through PayPal or any other platform.

• The buyer agrees not to initiate a chargeback under any circumstances, including unauthorized transactions and receiving either a faulty product or no product at all.

• If you receive a faulty product or no product, please contact us through Telegram or our store's contact information for replacements or resolution of the issue. All sales are final and no refunds will be provided.

• Replacements will be provided according to the warranty information listed on the product page. Please carefully read the product information.

• Warranty will be provided as specified in the warranty information.

• The seller is not responsible for the buyer's actions with the purchased product.

• The seller reserves the right to hold or limit replacements if any suspicious behavior is detected with the buyer's account.


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